League of Legends Elo Boosting


Introduction to Elo Boosting

Welcome, summoners! Have you ever found yourself stuck in a specific rank in League of Legends (LoL) and wished you could just leap to a higher division? This is where Elo boosting comes into play. But, what exactly is Elo boosting, and how does it work? Let’s dive right in.

The Elo Rating System: An Overview

H3: Origin of the Elo System

Elo, contrary to popular belief, is not an acronym, but a surname. It’s named after Arpad Elo, a Hungarian-American physics professor who developed the Elo rating system for chess. The goal was to create a method for calculating the relative skill levels of players in zero-sum games.

Elo System in League of Legends

In the context of LoL, the Elo rating system serves as the underlying framework for the game’s ranked mode. It allows players to climb up the ranks from Iron to Challenger based on their skill level and performance in games. The higher the Elo, the better the player, or so the presumption goes.

Understanding Elo Boosting

The Process of Elo Boosting

Elo boosting, simply put, is the act of a higher-skilled player logging into a lower-skilled player’s account to win games and boost their Elo rating. This process can take a few hours to several days, depending on the desired Elo rank.

Advantages of Elo Boosting

From a player’s perspective, Elo boosting can seem attractive for several reasons. It allows players to achieve a high rank quickly, bypassing the steep learning curve and the grind of climbing. It can also unlock exclusive end-of-season rewards that are only available for high-ranked players.

Criticisms and Controversies

Despite its advantages, Elo boosting is not without controversy. Critics argue that it undermines the integrity of the game, as it misrepresents a player’s true skill level. It also creates an uneven playing field in matches, leading to less enjoyable games for other players.

Who Are Elo Boosters?

Profile of an Elo Booster

Elo boosters are typically high-ranking players who have mastered the game. They have the skills to win consistently, even in tough matches. For some, Elo boosting is a way to earn income using their gaming skills.

The Skills Needed for Elo Boosting

Elo boosters need to be highly skilled at LoL. They should understand the game’s mechanics, strategies, and individual champions. Moreover, they need to be adaptable, as they may have to play different roles and champions depending on the account they’re boosting.

The Market for Elo Boosting

Demand and Pricing

The market for Elo boosting is driven by players’ desire to reach higher ranks. Prices can vary depending on the current and desired rank, with higher boosts costing more. Some Elo boosters also offer additional services, such as coaching, to help players improve their skills.

Safety and Legality

Despite its demand, Elo boosting is not sanctioned by Riot Games, the developer of LoL. Players caught Elo boosting or getting boosted can face penalties, including temporary bans or permanent suspensions. Therefore, engaging in Elo boosting involves certain risks.

The Impact of Elo Boosting on League of Legends Community

Positive Effects

From a broader perspective, Elo boosting can bring some benefits. For example, it can help keep the game challenging for high-Elo players by reducing queue times. It also provides a source of income for skilled players.

Negative Effects

On the flip side, Elo boosting can harm the LoL community by skewing the ranking system and creating unbalanced matches. It can also discourage genuine players who are trying to climb the ladder through their efforts.


Elo boosting in League of Legends is a complex issue with various implications for players and the community. While it can offer quick progression and high ranks, it also presents ethical and game integrity concerns. Players should weigh these factors carefully before deciding to engage in Elo boosting.